Case Studies

Strategy With Technology

  • Social collaborative Intranet for Exim Bank

Export-Import Bank of India is the premier export finance institution of the country, set up in 1982 under the Export-Import Bank of India Act 1981. Export is one of the key driving forces of the Indian economy. Since its foundation this institution has played an important role in the promotion of cross border trade and investment. The bank offers variety of financial services like Investment, commercial, retail and private banking along with asset management, credit cards and mortgages.


Exim Bank is such a big institution in itself that connecting and collaborating among its internal staff members was a big issue. The head office of the bank is located in Mumbai and is rapidly expanding its work force. Exim bank wanted a common platform to bring collaboration and interaction among its internal staff and it seemed a herculean task. The bank’s Mumbai office had an Intranet in place but that did not offer any remedy to the problem. There was no common platform where the people will get information that they are seeking. The intranet was built on basic static HTML pages with no features of document repository, birthday reminder, registration for new employee, live chat etc. Moreover any additional changes in the intranet needed time consuming and tedious coding with high level of technical know-how. Exim bank wanted intranet with networking and collaborative features without compromising on its user-friendly aspect. 


We had different ways to offer them with optimum solutions to create intranet with better user experience. We chose to go with open source platform Joomla, as it is cost effective and offer greater scalability and flexibility. We implemented various features to help connect the users to share, retrieve and store documents in a common location. We also integrated real-time chat feature so that the staff can stay connected with each other on premise. Some of the other features include birthday reminder, live support, photo gallery, leave management, video section and much more. Today Exim bank enjoys higher user participation and improved communication among its staff members. The bond that we have established with Exim bank is a testimony of our superior solution providing capabilities and quick turnaround time.

Key Benefits

  • Awarded third prize for the best Intranet website in the national level competition
  • Based on web 2.0 concept
  • Clean and elegant look with easy navigation
  • High level of user participation
  • Common platform for networking among the internal staff members
  • User-friendly interface makes browsing quick and fun