
Strategy With Technology

Domain & Web Hosting

What is Windows Web Hosting?

Windows Web Hosting is a type of hosting where a company is allowed to build websites using Windows OS. The built-in web services, management tools and virtualization technologies can considerably boost the quality and reliability of almost any Windows hosting infrastructure. It has multiple features like FastCGI support for PHP and other languages so that your web applications can run with optimal efficiency. It also provides website owners the option to perform specified operations with the grant from server administrators, thereby adding to the control and flexibility. It also offers the latest features like restartable Active Directory Domain Services, Enhanced NTFS, Network Access Protection, Improved Security Features, etc.
We, at Convergence, have different Windows Web Hosting plans with multiple features to suit everyone’s needs.

Benefits of Windows Web Hosting

  • Windows is familiar and user-friendly
  • It is Powerful and practical
  • High efficiency and scalability
  • Easy integration with Microsoft Software
  • Supports Windows Databases like MS SQL or MS Access

Who should go for Windows Web Hosting

Start-ups companies, NGOs, Educational institution, small and medium enterprises from different business verticals like retail, manufacturing, finance, banking etc can opt for Windows Web Hosting Services.

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