Responsive Web-designing

  • Responsive Web-designing

What is Responsive Web-designing?

Responsive designing is the approach that makes sure that the website or application should respond to the user's behaviour and environment based on mobile device’s screen size, platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries.

The team at Convergence ensures that all websites and web applications designed and developed are made seamlessly responsive so that they can be viewed and used on absolutely any device. They use the latest technology to make websites responsive and the choose the most suited method for it as well. In fact we realize the high importance of responsive websites and hence have made it a practice to make all our websites and web applications 100% responsive.

Benefits of Responsive Web-designing

  • The website becomes more flexible
  • User have a better experience
  • More cost effective than having separate websites for PCs and mobile devices
  • Endorsed by Google for site ranking
  • Easier to manage one site for all platforms as compared to separate websites

Who should go for Responsive Web-designing?

Any user who has a website should opt for a responsive design. E-commerce websites or any website looking to increase their sales should make sure their website is completely responsive.

Have a project scope?

We’d love to talk about it.