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Strategy With Technology

  • Completed a project on HTML5 & CSS3 successfully

HTML5 and CSS3 are the in thing now in web development industry. With HTML5 & CSS3 you can do a lot of stuff which earlier was only possible with FLASH. Some of them are listed as below

  1. Play videos in an HTML page
  2. Create quality bar graphs, pie charts, etc
  3. Implement Drag and drop facility on HTML divs
  4. Create simple animations like maximize / minimize on hover on image and text in HTML


We at Convergence Services, a Mumbai based Web development company have recently finished with a project on HTML5 and CSS3 for a UK based client.

The project was done on Joomla 1.6 CMS and is iPad and iPhone compatible as well.

There are a very few Professional HTML5 developers in India currently and proudly we can say that Convergence Services is one  of those professionals now.