Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Why Joomla Website Maintenance and Support is Important?

Today, it has become imperative for any businesses to have an online presence whether they are small, medium or large. With the advent of SMBs in large numbers there have been continuous activities in the field of website development and maintenance. Companies are going online to reach large market and wider customer base. It is one of the easiest and cost effective ways to seamlessly reach beyond geographical boundaries. To help you achieve online success Joomla plays a vital part through its open source Content Management system. This freely available software is used by companies all over the world to develop dynamic websites. Whether it is an e-commerce website or social networking websites Joomla takes care of everything. Joomla is popular award winning open source CMS with robust features and up-to-date security.


However, these SMB’s overlook one of the most fundamental aspect of Joomla website development that is its maintenance and support. They spend large amount of money to build stunning websites but they don’t care to pay little for maintenance and support plan. They think it’s a not required or simply “waste of money”. They fail to realize the actual value this support plans offer in the overall success of their online business. Updating websites with fresh and regular content and keeping the downtime close to zero can dramatically increase their Google ranking and mightily help them to sell their product and services. Most of the websites of SMB’s are either outdated or lack innovative content thereby making it redundant. Customer looking at websites which are not updated or which they cannot access due to downtime can be a major set-back for the business. So it is very important to choose website maintenance and support plan as per your needs and budget. Convergence Services offer one-of its kind professional Joomla website maintenance and support plan for small, medium and large companies. So if you have a joomla website then you can choose our tailor-made plan for your website. All you have to do is send an e-mail at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call on this number: 022 25136632 to know which service plans are perfect for you.