Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Convergence Support Desk - Website Maintenance Support

There are millions of websites in India that are hosted on internet some of them are static and some of them dynamic. Some of them are small blogs and some of them are huge e-commerce websites. No matter how small or large your website is, no matter for what purpose you are using your website one of the most important thing required for your website is its maintenance and support services during its active use. A website with fresh content, zero downtime attracts more number of eyeballs, which impact the online and offline sales of your product and services. Surveys carried out by market research organizations reveals some startling facts which cannot be overlooked. According to the reports websites which are not up-to-date with new content tend lose web traffic considerably. This is an alarming cause for businesses that depends upon their websites for selling of their product and services.


To offer solution to hundreds and thousands of businesses with online presence Convergence Services has launched Convergence Support Desk- a Professional Maintenance Services for Websites, in India. This support plan offers you cost effective services tailor-made to suit your budget and requirements. This service allows you to concentrate on more productive work and eliminates site issues and downtime.  Some of the salient features include Content updates, Analysis, Layout updates, Extensions installation and upgrade etc. With different terms of 3, 6 and 12 months the plans become very flexible to choose from. In addition to plenty of features Convergence Support Desk also allows you quick turnaround time for your problems.