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Strategy With Technology

  • Want to be Smarter? Then Train Your Brain!

 Brain is one of the most vital parts of human body all the thoughts and decisions are processed here. You can compare brain with the central processing unit or CPU of the computer. As we are approaching the middle age we often tend to forget things which we did a moment ago like keeping the spectacles at the head and searching it all over the house or calling close friend on the phone and forgetting his name. These are just couple of instances and people brush it off saying it is an age related memory problem. But what they don’t know is the consequences of such problem if not given immediate attention. It can alter the way we behave in our social and personal lives.


The brain experts or neuroscientists say that if we could have mental workout then there is chance that we can see significant improvement in our memory. Thinking is one of the good ways to do brain exercise and establish connection between neurons. Having a good neural connection is very crucial for brain to function efficiently. Some of this attributes are inherited while for the rest we need to make some practical efforts. Experts now have the opinion that intelligence of a person can vary depending upon the exercise.


But how can one do mental work out apart from thinking? The answer lies with new San Francisco Web-based Company called Lumosity. This company designs and offers Brain Training Program its users on free and chargeable basis. The program designed by some of the leading experts in the field of neuroscience and cognitive psychology from Stanford University has really helped people improve and regain their mental sharpness. Lumosity is a Web-based program that helps people to methodically improve memory along with attention skills. It constantly monitors your progress and provides you with constant feedback through point system.


There have been steady growth in the number users for this web-based program and many have found this to be immensely useful in improving basic cognitive functions. The alertness and awareness level of people who have taken this program for one and months have shown great improvements than those who did not take the program. The program is free but to harnesses its full potential a small amount of subscription charges need to be paid.  However if you are in no mood to purchase then go for free version and give your brain the much needed exercise.