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Strategy With Technology

  • Export Import Bank Choose Convergence Support Desk

Export Import Bank of India is the premier export finance institution of the country, set up in 1982 under the Export-Import Bank of India Act 1981. The function of this bank is to provide platform by offering various financial services like Investment, commercial, retail and private banking along with asset management, credit cards and mortgages for companies to do cross border trade and investment. With reach all over the world it becomes important for the bank to have an online medium so that anyone can get information regarding the bank and its services from anywhere, anytime.

Convergence Services has been associated with EXIM bank during the time when it developed its intranet portal, which even won third prize in the best intranet portal category. Now, convergence IT services is the official website maintenance partner of EXIM bank. Under the contract Convergence Services will offer maintenance support for EXIM bank which includes corrective maintenance, content updates etc. convergence Services has launched convergence Support a professional CMS website maintenance services to offer quality support to the websites built on open CMS platform like Joomla or Wordpress. Currently we are offering three plans namely Basic, Business and Professional all the plans are customized to suit the needs of customers.