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Strategy With Technology

  • India makes to the top list of Spam Sending Nations

The recent survey has concluded that there are more than 100 million internet users in India and the number is growing exponentially. The chief reasons for growth in number of users are due the availability of internet connections in tier-2 and tier-3 cities, where the real growth potential lies. With the increased number of users comes multitude of problems, which can turn into a threat, if not attended early. Almost every serious internet user has e-mail accounts and they have invariably faced spam mails in their mail boxes  though it may not sound too much but surveys done by top cyber security firm reveals horrific details. The cyber criminals are on the rise and they are infecting users’ machines with malicious software and bring the systems network to halt. All the virus starts rather in a similar fashion – by spam mails – encouraging you to click on some malicious links.

According to Trend Micro report, India tops the list of spam-sending countries with 20 percent of spam are sent here followed by Indonesia at 13 percent, South Korea and Russia at 12 and 10 percent respectively. The Cybercriminals are capitalizing on sudden and exponential growth of Android users. More than 5000 new malicious Android apps were launched in the first quarter, as per the report of Trend Micro. The recent success of Apple iphone and ipad has made it more vulnerable to virus attack, with 91 weak spots followed by Oracle with 78 Google with 73 and Microsoft with 43. Even Social networking sites are not safe recently Pinterest became the latest victim when re-pinning a Starbucks logo let malware to infect users system. Most of the spam attacks are done with the intention of stealing sensitive data of the company or the users.  This causes loss of billions of dollars every year and not much have been done to prevent this.
By implementing effective intelligence to track down the origin of the attack and using sophisticated method to stop spamming attack could help protect our data from cybercriminals.