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Strategy With Technology

  • Avoid 5 Deadly Management Sins

Businesses are run by humans and no matter what form the future business takes it will still be run by some humans. Most of the businesses have a direct impact of the nature of its decision maker, they have certain sets of emotions which are hard to change. But at times the managers or decision-makers who run the business operations infect the team with their negative emotions and make things worse. Below are the 5 deadly sins which should be avoided at any cost in the corporate environment.

1. Anger
This has caused more damaged to the businesses than the competitors. The angry managers are a common sight in any offices, this anger can stem from any reason it may be due to stress at work, team not delivering results, things not working as per the plan, non-availability of resources or a personal problem at home. The reason can be many but when this anger gets in the way of work it shows in the productivity of the team. Calling a meeting and venting your frustration on the employees can offer you temporary relief but it’s not a good idea for a long-term strategy. This may also have an adverse effect on employees’ collaboration effort and risk taking proposition. Cutting down on anger and making amends with oneself is a nice way to have a clear perspective and steer the company in the right direction.
2. Procrastination
Not everyone will agree with this but procrastination is slowly becoming a major reason for dismal performance of the team in the corporate environment. The matter is still under debate but many will agree with this that procrastination has led to major decision-making delay thereby missing on big opportunities. Procrastination for important decision making process, by the top management in the company can be counter-productive. It is best to avoid procrastination and make a priority list to tackle this situation.
3. Greed
When the management announces various measures to cut-back expense and you later find out how they have splurged money for their own benefits it breaks your morale. Having the privilege of luxury for top management is not crime but having it on someone else expense is not a right thing to do. As the ancient saying goes greed is endless and so is human needs. It is always better to rethink on this aspect and make necessary amendments to bring transparency in this regard.
4. Pride  
Self-Esteem is important during a decision-making process because it brings the best from the individual. But thinking you are invincible and can never fail is unrealistic. The decision makers need to understand that unnecessary pride can cause a long-term effect.  Doing some self-reflection and keeping things into right perspective while decision making process can be very rewarding.
5. Personal Lust
People should be motivated by their passion rather than personal lust. The leader should make a decision in the interest of the company and its employees rather than personal interest. It is important to hire people with passion and what they believe in rather than those who are motivated by personal lust. 
This may not be a comprehensive list but is surely something that can be looked into and taken into consideration while making decisions.