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Strategy With Technology

  • Build a relationship of trust with your customer

Sam Walton, founder of wal-mart long back said, “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” He was so true even in the age when fine management practices were not prevalent. Customer is important to our business and we need to respect them and more than that we need to build a relation of trust and faith with them. With competition building up every day and attention span of the customer becoming shorter with every passing day it becomes imperative to build our business on trust and faith rather on monetary benefits.

Some of the below mentioned tips can be of great help to develop a good relationship with customers based on trust.
1. Being yourself pays:
Pretending what you are not is a poor way of developing a customer relationship. Sales people selling their products to their customers should not be manipulative and mislead people but rather be true to themselves and make a selling based on right information. So whenever you meet a people be yourself and you will see the wonder it does to build a long-term relationship with your customers.
2. Genuine interest for people:
Being genuine brings lot of energy in the conversation and it can bridge a distance between any two people and works to establish a relation based on trust and faith. Being genuine is a very important element because people like those who are transparent and are interested in them. When you show real interest in your customer they will respond to you likewise.
3. Show you really care:
Little consideration about customers like and dislike. Showing them courtesy and that you really care about them makes them feel cared and it takes you extra mile in making a strong relationship based on faith and trust.
4. Be consistent to win trust:
Winning customer’s faith, loyalty and ultimately their trust is not easy. Customers always have keen eye on your behavior if you are not consistent in it then they may walk away from you never to come back. So your good behavior should not be like flash in a pan but consistent and real.
5. Customers like Professionals:
When you deal with customers you need to act like a professional and not amateur because customers likes who are professional and well-behaved. Having knowledge about the products or services you sell helps customers to identify whether they want to buy your product or not. Professionals make a trust bonding with customers faster than a novice or amateur.