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Strategy With Technology

  • Do you have these traits to be a Great Leader?

Now-a-days every person who assumes a senior position in the organization thinks himself as a leader. Though leader invariably holds top position but to qualify for true leader they should have these seven traits or qualities. Below are the seven traits which are commonly found in the leader.

1. Purpose 
 Great leaders always have a higher purpose in their life. They have a staunch belief that success serves as a platform for higher purpose because it enables them to help others to be successful in their life.  However, mediocre or uninspiring leader think success is the sole purpose in their life because it satisfies their own personal needs.
2. Gratefulness
Great leaders always appreciate even a small achievement in their life. They know to be truly successful, it is necessary to be a part of success and failure cycle. Whereas, the mediocre leader thinks it is their inner ability that makes him successful. They think they are smarter than everyone around.
3. Giving back to society
Leaders acknowledge the fact that society has equal contribution in their success and hence they believe in giving back to society.  Their long-term plans include helping charity and society.  When mediocre leader is considered they feel no obligation. They think of buying products and satisfying their own self-need. 
4. Care about people
Great leaders show empathy towards people. They know that they are the fortunate few who have made it big in the world and hence should help people who are less fortunate. Contrary to this the mediocre leader cares less for others and does not show interest in helping them.
5. Team Focus
Great leaders, when successful in a project give credit to the team and motivate them to do their best. They always think that winning is a team effort and not individual effort.  But when we talk about the mediocre leader they are quick to put their blame on others and will magnify mistakes of other and make them feel bad about it.
6. Beliefs & Values
 For great leaders their values and belief make them what they are. They never go out boasting about their value system rather they treasure it and draw inspiration from it when in need. On the other hand mediocre leader does the opposite he goes out speaking highly about the value and belief he follows and how it has made him what he is today. 
7. Refreshing Energy
 When you meet a great leader, the energy and enthusiasm they carry is evident from the way they speak, walk, and conduct themselves in their professional and social lives.  When you get a chance to meet these people your thought changes for good. But when you stumble into mediocre leader they are depressing and keep on brooding about the missed opportunities. Talking to them offer no significant help.
These are not a comprehensive list of traits that a great leader should possess but an essential few. If you find all the traits or qualities in any person then you can very well say he can be truly a great leader.