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Strategy With Technology

  • Avoid these common E-mail mistakes

E-Mails are one of the chief modes of communication in today’s corporate world. Every day we send and receive hundreds of e-mails both professionally and personally but seldom we follow the etiquette to write mails. Below you will see some of the common e-mail mistakes that people make when writing a mail. If you can avoid these mistakes and follow below guidelines then you can write impressive professional mails to your colleagues, employers, and causal yet effective personal mails to your friends and family.  People reply more to well written mail than poorly composed mails.

1. Not using e-mail thread to reply
When e-mails are sent to and fro for a common topic then it creates a thread and hence it is very important for you to include the whole thread when responding or replying to it. If you don’t include the thread then all the information will be in fragmented form and will be difficult to locate right information at time of need. So using thread to reply saves time, and helps recipient understand better.
2. Not replying to everyone in the loop
Not following this step can create unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding. People most of the time tends to forget this simple yet important “reply all” feature. Whenever you receive a mail make sure while sending you reply to everyone who were marked on the mail.
3. Not using company professional e-mail id
Many a time we sync our personal and professional mail account for our convenience. But at times while having business correspondence we sent mail from our personal e-mail id instead of professional one. It can be considered unprofessional and could raise few eyebrows. So it is very important to choose the right e-mail id depending upon the recipient.
4. Carbon copying everyone
It is very important to reply all, but before that make sure if the recipient does need inclusion in your mail. If you think some particular recipient does not need to be in the reply then kindly excuse them.
5. No one likes to read the lengthy mails
Time is precious use it wisely, when you write short and to the point mail you save your as well as recipient’s time. Writing lengthy mails allows your recipient to skip your mail for spare time reading and most of the time it is archived.
6. Unprofessional writing
Writing an unprofessional should always be avoided at any cost. Don’t use abbreviation or slang while writing mails and always maintain proper grammatical correct language.
7. Providing complete information in the mail
Writing mail should involve all the important points of discussion, it should have complete information. If all the relevant information is not covered in the mail then it becomes a back-and-forth conversation. So it always better to get it right in the first mail itself.