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Strategy With Technology

  • Avoid these and be Happy

Everyone wants to lead happy and fulfilling lives. It always easier said than done. To lead a happy and fulfilling lives we need to disciplined ourselves and follow certain rules of life. There are plenty of motivational or inspiration Gurus who will tell you how to do this. But all the knowledge in the world won’t help you if you won’t help yourself. If you really want to be happy stop doing below mentioned things.

1. Being a control freak
Being a boss or CEO gives you the power to keep everything under control. And if you take this little too seriously then you are in big trouble. Micro managing your employees always decreases their productivity and increases your worries. Instead of controlling others around you it is always advisable to restrain some amount of control on yourself. Empower people with decision making ability and soon you will find they will put more hours in work and help you achieve your goals. Like this everyone will be happy and workplace will be fun.
2. Trying to please others
“The key to success I don’t know but the key to failure is pleasing everyone”, this still holds true. Unless you are a movie star or a model you need not worry about pleasing or impressing others. If you want to build a long-lasting relationship then build it on trust, faith and hard-work. Don’t go that extra mile to please other with your flashy clothes, latest gadgets, cars or other material possessions. In the long run genuine relationship is what will make you happy.
3. Criticizing
Benjamin Franklin said, “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.” If you are in a chronic habit of criticizing everyone around you then you will be left with few friends and well-wishers. Even though you may have more knowledge than others around you criticizing anyone will do no good for you. Listen to others and get their point of few and appreciate it instead of pointing towards their shortcomings.
4. Putting blame on others
 When things go wrong it is easy to put blame on others and escape the situation. You start to blame those around you and hold them responsible. But instead of blaming others it is always good to first analyze the situation and come out with a solution. Taking responsibility for your action will put you in good light in front of your employees and others.
5. Living in the past
Most of us have made some or the other mistakes in our lives, its okay. But what’s not okay is that many dwell on those mistakes throughout their lives and never try to do something new for fear of failure. If you missed important business opportunities then don’t lose your sleep on that, forget it and make a fresh start. Learn from you past mistakes and avoid it in future. All the great ending had a difficult beginning, so be sure to try on new things in life and live your life to the fullest.