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Strategy With Technology

  • Forget about iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S3 is No.1
A recent Smartphone sales report form Strategy Analytics, put Samsung Galaxy S3 in a top position. According to the report in the third quarter Samsung shipped 18 million Galaxy S3 Smartphones across the globe capturing a market share of 10.7%. iPhone from apple came close second with a 9.7% of the market share with sales of its iconic iphone4S. Apple’s iPhone enjoyed number 1 position from last two years but in the third quarter of 2012 the sales dropped landing it to second position. Samsung shipped 5.4 million Galaxy S3 in the second quarter but the numbers grew exponentially in the third quarter with 18 million shipped.  Whereas Apple shipped 16.2 million iphone 4S in the third quarter down from 19.4 million in the second quarter.
Though Samsung may not enjoy number 1 position for too long with the launch of Apple’s iphone5. The company claimed that it has shipped almost 5 million units of iphone5 within one week of its launch. The number grew weak in the third quarter putting Apple behind the race. The research company says that Samsung's Galaxy S3 has been widely accepted in North America, Europe and Asia. With the launch of iPhone5 and Christmas season drawing close the number is set to rise. The report says that in the fourth quarter Apple iPhone may get its glory back. But it will take a month or two till then Samsung's Galaxy S3 is basking in all its glory.