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  • Simple Rules Successful People Followed


altWe have seen many rich and successful people and always have wondered what made them so different from the rest of the crowd. What is so unique about them that we don’t possess? Though they are one of us but they have few rules and fundamentals that they live by and staunchly follow. This makes them highly successful, few of the rules are mentioned below. 
1. Never Give Excuses:
Life is hard, and everyone knows this. But it is said that all greatness is achieved while performing outside ones comfort zone. So when successful people faced with life’s challenging situation they fought back and came as winner. They never made excuses. In life even when we are faced with similar situation we need to take the steps that lead to the solution instead of escaping from the situation. Stephen Hawking, even with his disability made some of the great discoveries while sitting on his wheel chairs. He did not use his illness as the excuse to not follow his dream. Today he is counted as one of the most fertile brains of 21st century.
2. Health is wealth
Successful people always like to be in great shape and stay fit, this helps them to be focused and do their work. And this gives them much needed energy to carry on with their everyday activities. One of Richard Branson‘s ‘key’s to success’ is staying in great physical shape and even others successful people resonates this thought.
3. Management your time efficiently
Successful people follow time management everyday single day. For them this is not a subject taught in B-schools, rather an important ingredient in their overall success. Everyone has 24-hours in their hands but managing their time well will decide how much they will achieve in their lives. Effective time management is a key to get things done at the proper time.
4. Perseverance matters
 Rome was not built in a day so were successful people. It takes years of hard work and dedication to excel in one’s life. If people wants be successful in their life then they should not give up on their dreams even though they encounter failure. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for more than 2 decades yet he did not lose hope and brought revolutions for oppressed black people by standing for their rights. He was elected president of South Africa in 1994 and he served for 5 years before retiring. He was 75 when he became president. Perseverance or persistence for something will leads to success.
5. Take calculated Risk
 If you study the life story of the successful people you will find one thing common in everyone’s life and that is their ability to take risk. They always take well calculated risk, which increases their chances of success and even if they fail the loss will be minimum. Take the case of Sir Richard Branson, his life is a series of adventure and he took plenty of risks in his business, though at times he failed but overall he created a successful business empire because of his ability to take calculated risk.