Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Best Tips for Social Media Marketing


altSocial media is everywhere and with the recent success of facebook, twitter and linkedin the need for such platforms to establish ones brand has grown exponentially. Every business wants a piece of social media to market their products and services. But what is the best way to utilize these platforms that are available? Below are few great ways to leverage the social media potential for your company’s benefit.
1. Start a “Real” blog: Now a day’s every company has a blog page dedicated to its products and services. But frankly speaking like this there are millions of blogs that are available today and to grab attention from this huge crowd you need to be different and offer something unique. By “Real” blog I means the blog needs to be different and should not be your regular blog where you fill pages writing or rather marketing about your product and services. Make your blog interesting by adding images, writing about various subjects, making some key announcement of your upcoming products or services etc. This will help keep the interest of your audience and help you gain the web traffic.
2. Measure social media ROI across and various platforms and compare: It is always important to measure ROI across various social media, compare and make an analysis which one is driving more quality traffic to your website.
3. Don’t stuff your tweet with hashtag: A study done by Argyle Social shows that the tweets with hashtag receive 5% fewer clicks that the tweet without hashtag.
4. Have a social media strategy: Availability of social media platform and using it does not guarantee you success. Before taking the plunge you need to have a well-defined social media strategy this will great help you to get the early traction for your product and services.
5. Timing matters: What you post is as important as when you post. You should know the right timing so that your message reaches to maximum number of employees. If your target audience are working professional then you need to post something at a time and day when they will be in office having access to the social media platform like facebook, twitter or linkedin.
6. Start a contest: Starting a contest on twitter or facebook is said to increase the excitement of the users and promote product and services, it also helps improve in the web traffic.
7. Social sharing button on website: Put buttons of all major social networking websites. This will make it easier for users to share the content on the company’s websites.