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Strategy With Technology

  • 5 Useful Tips to Maintain your Website
altWebsite maintenance is very important for success of your online or offline business. Website is your online identity and many people who are looking out for information about your company, product and services visit your website to get it. Making an initial impression is very important but to do that you need few important techniques to follow. Just building an attractive website will not guarantee visitors to your website, all you need to do is maintain it with regular updates and security fixes to maintain the flow of visitors.
Below are 5 useful tips that you can use to maintain your website.
1.Keep updating with new content: Content is the fuel for your website. Updating your website with new content regarding products, services and latest information with latest development will help you your visitor to know about your company and its latest developments. Regularly updating your website with new blogs, news articles, product updates will keep on engaging your visitors, giving you more web traffic.
2. Check out for multiple browser compatibility: With people using multiple browsers to surf websites it becomes important to check your website for the compatibility on different browsers. Today there are number of browsers like Google chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer, safari, opera etc making your website compatible to all these is very important.
3. Make your website search engine friendly: Google is a world largest search engine and making your website search engine friendly will help your website to rank higher on Google page. Following various practices like SEO, adding meta tags, improving tag titles, optimizing key words will help your website to rank better and will bring more web-traffic.
4. Check on broken links: Broken links are bad for your website it leaves a bad impression on your visitor. Hence you need to check regularly on broken links. If you come across any broken link fix it. Sometimes broken links becomes very annoying, at times it happen that a business which are linked to you have been shut down, in that remove their link. Keeping eye on small thing like this can yield a better result in a long run.
5. Call for action: If you want to give your visitor enhanced user experience then you should have space for them to give comment, feedback, suggestions etc. Many times this becomes very useful as users point out error, bugs and suggest improvement to your websites. Asking visitors to offer review can also improve your websites.