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Strategy With Technology

  • Technologies that will make exit in the near future
altFor years these technologies have helped us in more than one way and now when new technologies are gradually taking their place these technogies are almost on the verge of the extinction. Below are the list of technologies that will become redundant in the near future:
1. CDs and DVDs
There was time when CDs and DVDs were primarily used by consumers and organizations to store data and loads of information. After the era of floppy drive CD and DVD were considered ideal storage device and to speak the truth it was. But it was before the advent of flash drive, SSD, Cloud computing and external HDD. It is just a matter of time when we will bid farwell to CD and DVDs.
2. LandLine Phone
Graham Bell invented the first working telephone and thereafter it was used by the whole world. Landline phone ruled almost whole of the 20th century. But Now after the advent of mobile phones everything has changed. Now even the basic feature phone offers great functionality and mobility than the landline phones. With sales of mobile phone growing exponentially every year Landline phone is losing its shine. Now expect at Public Call Office or PCO we seldom see Landline phone anywhere.
3. FAX Machine
Fax machines are still there and people use it. In the age of internet, e-mail, smart phone and cloud computing, use of Fax seems outdated. Yet many organizations use it to send and receive fax. With rapid evolution of various technologies in sending and receving documents Fax machine is soon going to make an exit from our everyday life.
4. Music Player
Sony started independent music player era with the launch of walkman series of portable player. Soon many other followed it and the market was flooded with compact music player. With the coming of iphone and smartphone people started to use this as their primary device to consume music. Today many have stopped using dedicated music player and this has made this segment less lucrative and many manufacturers have stopped the production or declined the output. Soon people will show the door to this humble yet once star technolgy - the dedicated music player.
5. Point-and-shoot camera
The point-and-shoot camera changed the way we captured photos, the roll camera pioneered by kodak became almost obsolete after the advent of digital point-and-shoot camera. But even that became of less important when smartphone came with camera feature. Today some of the smartphone available perform better than the average point and shoot camera. Now People prefer their camera more to capture everyday moment than an expensive point and shoot camera. 
6. Symbian OS
This flagship mobile OS form Nokia was once considered as a great platform for smartphones. It is primarily used by Nokia smartphone but with iOS and especially the free android mobile OS every thing has changed. Now Android commands large market share followed by iOS and Symbian doesn’t figure in the competition. Though Nokia has announced that Nokia Pureview 808 was offcially the last symbian based phone, people stopped using symbian much before that.
7. Mobile phone charger
Most of us don’t like to carry mobile charger but on long journey we have no option but to carry it. But now you can charge your phone wirelessly and some of the phone like Nokia lumia 920 and 820 support this features. Soon we don’t have to worry about carrying our mobile phone charger with us.