Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Enterprise App Store is a Need of Future Organization
altApps are very popular both in consumer and enterprise segment because it provides ease of access to important services, and works well with most of the mobile devices. Apple started apps store for its iOS platforms followed by Google for its Android platform and thereafter many other platforms be it Nokia’s Symbian, Samsung’s BADA, or Blackberry’s blackberry OS. The market is now flooded with hundreds and thousands of apps for different segments like finance, entertainment, productive etc. As BYOD or Bring Your Own Devices is getting lot of traction in the organization employees are accessing the public app store to access software and services related to their work. This may jeopardize IT security of the company hence to ward of this security issue it is of paramount importance for business to have their own internal app store which will allow employees to access to through their smart phone or tablet and use it. Gartner says that by 2017 almost 25 percent of large organization will have their own app store for their employees. Apart from security, enterprise app store offers procurement of software this expands users choice allows them to submit competing apps, and monitor them.
Though currently organizations have apps which employees can access through their smart phones but extending them to wider choices have many benefits. It is important just like public app store the enterprise app store should have wide range of choices or else they may go to public app store for missing app this may compromise on the internal security of the organization. To make this a success application leader should take the initiative and have a detail discussion with the higher management and chalk out a proper strategy for the future course. With organizations favoring BYOD initiatives having an internal app store is a great way to increase the productivity of the employee anywhere, anytime.