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Strategy With Technology

  • Things you should not do on Linkedin
altLinkedin is for professional to connect, communicate and share. Today it has approximately 200 million users worldwide and is undoubtedly one of the largest and most successful social networking for professionals. It offers a seamless platform for professionals to create profile, upload photos and look out for opportunities. Linkedin can be used as best marketing tool if used effectively, but many times professionals do blunders that can cost them good opportunities. Many falter on linkedin by taking undue advantage of their connections, like if they are connected to CEO of a reputed company they will send them direct messages and be with them like their peers. Below are few things that should be a big No-No for those who want to make a sustainable contact on linkedin.
1. Do not keep on endorsing people on linkedin
Just because linkedin has this cool feature of endorsement you shouldn’t keep on endorsing people for their skills and experience. Before endorsing anyone you should make sure you actually known that person or worked with him or her. If you don’t know the person then randomly endorsing will do no good for them.
2. Do not brother everyone with recommendation message
Just because you have 500+ members you should not keep on sending recommendation message to everyone in your network. If you ask recommendation from people who you do not know then you may put them in dilemma and even if you get then it won’t be meaningful just a kind of lip service.
3. Do not use Linkedin like Facebook
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, are social networking sites more for friends and family. But Linkedin is specially meant for working professionals and hence we need behave and talk professionally. Uploading photos of family vacations, outings, birthday parties should be avoided on linkedin.
4. Do not send common invitation template
Though linkedin gives you an opportunity to connect with other members it is highly recommended that instead of sending them common linkedin template of invitation it is better to personalize a little. This is true especially when you are sending an invitation to the person whom you do not know.
5. Do not spam
Do not spam your connections. You can send important messages to the members but unnecessarily sending messages is a bad idea.
6. Do not post unnecessary news updates
Sharing is the key to build relations and Linkedin is a place where all professionals make connections and share things. But in no way linkedin is twitter and hence doing continuous status update should be avoided. If you come across a news item that will interest to the larger group of the members or if you have something very important to share then it is ok. But putting everything you find on internet is not a good idea.
7. Do not do nothing
Making connections, updating status, messaging, liking comments every time may not be good by doing nothing on linkedin is even worse. You made a profile and were inactive for several months and suddenly you are looking for some job opportunity and you think miracle will happen at linkedin. To make and nurture relations you need to put effort and following basic principle on maintaining healthy relationship on linkedin will open many doors of opportunity.