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Strategy With Technology

  • Joomla CMS can be an ideal choice for your Business
altWordpress, Joomla and Drupal are three of world’s most popular and highly used open-source Content Management Systems. Wordpress holds largest market share followed by Joomla and Drupal. Joomla used by 2.7% of users debuted in 2005 when it split off from the Mambo open-source community.  Joomla is easy to use just like Wordpress and delivers power and flexibility like Drupal and hence it is ideal for business looking to develop their websites and application on Joomla platform. The latest version of Joomla 3.0 supports 68 languages and has more than 10,000 extensions that can be used to make state-of-the art features to develop mobile websites.
Joomla is ideal for organization that want robust CMS platform at the same time they don’t want to sacrifice on the performance and important features. Also organization with limited IT resources can use Joomla as it is easy to work on and does not require expert IT knowledge. Most of the CMSs available in the market support MySQL database but Joomla also support PostgreSQL, as well as commercial offerings such as Microsoft SQL Server, Azure cloud services and Oracle this makes it scalable compared to other CMSs. Joomla CMS can be used to develop standalone application that can used to run on various devices like Tablet and Smartphone. The new sleek back-end administrator interface is also added to the new version of Joomla to increase better functionality.
Organizations like Boston Children's Hospital and VideoRay used Joomla to power their social intranet and websites respectively and they are more than happy with the end results. Head project manager at Jonathan Gafill,, who developed the customized social intranet using version of Jomsocial extensions for Boston Children's Hospital says that "We were able to build an enterprise-level social application isolated to meet HIPAA standards.” The same though is echoed by Jonathan Gafill for development of VideoRay’s website, he says, "Using Joomla we were able to develop this component, this extension, that was instantly usable.” Joomla CMS is indeed versatile and offers out of the box solutions to satisfied needs of various businesses.