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Strategy With Technology

  • Evernote gets Hacked – Ask users to Reset the Password


Every other day we hear news of some well known company’s website getting hacked, we are talking about websites of billion dollar giants having all website security measures in place. Recently a couple of months back companies like Apple, Facebook and Microsoft website got hacked and important data were compromised. It seems that hackers are having field day but at the same time it is a matter of concern that user’s data is being compromised to carry out fraudulent activities. Recent company to fall victim to hacker attack is Evernote - the popular multi-platform, note-taking web application. Though the company claims that they averted a major breach by hackers, however the company point out that the hackers were successful in gaining access to user’s usernames, email addresses associated with Evernote accounts, and encrypted passwords. The company was able to protect the password of many users through one-way encryption.
But the company is taking no chance in making their users aware of the potential threats this may have in future if they don’t change their password and hence the company is advising all of its users to change their Evernote account passwords. This can be either done through going directly to the company’s website and creating a new password or you can do it when you access your Evernote account next time. After changing your password you need to use it to access any of the Evernote apps. The company announced release of some key updates to make password change process easier this will reflect in the Evernote’s website in due course of time. Company also advises its users to follow some basic yet important step to keep their account safe they are 1) Keep strong passwords 2) Don't keep same password on multiple devices or services 3) Never answer e-mail with password reset mail, instead go directly to the website.
There is a pattern that is emerging from the recent attacks on famous websites, it is not the case of simple intrusion but rather hacker is using some kind of vulnerability to gain access to the user information. The recent attacks on big companies may have been the result of vulnerability in Java web plugins. Due to this many security experts are warning users to disable Java on their PCs. According to the company they have blocked unauthorized access and taking issues related to security of data on first priority basis.