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Strategy With Technology

  • Bring Your Own Device is inevitable – A report from VMware
altBYOD has become so much relevant and important in recent times that the companies who are not implementing policies to cater this will be left behind in this highly competitive market. According to recent VMware survey BYOD is becoming more and more important as large number of employees have started using their personal devices for official purpose. The survey indicates that 81% respondents bring their personal devices to office and out of that 43% of respondents brought 2 devices, 19% bought 3 devices and remaining bought 4 or more devices. In India employees spend substantial amount of time while working from home. As high as 71% respondent in India work spend their holidays doing official work. If IT is not doing enough for BYOD then they are hampering productivity of the employees. When asked respondents why would they bring their personal devices at work 43% said their work demands mobility and hence a portable device helps in their work, 42% said their clients contact them on their personal mobile number, 32% said they feel more comfortable working on their personal devices.
Respondents feel that by implementing BYOD companies can enhance work productivity and user-satisfaction. For as many as 97% say that it helps them solving business problem efficiently, 96% says they are at their best when on the move, 95% thinks they can collaborate better and respond fast to the changes, 94% feels it makes them happy to use personal devices and 91% says they feel less- stressed at work. 99% of employees say that IT team is aware that they bring personal devices at work but only 52% of employees receive some kind of formal training in this regard. Employees as many as 65% prefer to have fast network connectivity on the move, 56% of them want training on how to integrate personal devices with company’s network and 50% wants to know how to solve the common problems that arises due to the use of BYOD.
Due to lack of clarity on IT policies about BYOD employees feel they are less efficient and are less efficient to carry out different tasks, 25% believe that their employees do not trust them which brings down their self-confidence, 22% says they cannot function to the full of their ability and hence at times could offers precise solutions to ant given problems. Those employees who do not find a support in IT regarding BYOD says that they will try and find a way to work it out almost 73% of the respondents feel this, 69% employees tries to search their problem on Google and 46% of employees ask their colleague and managers solution on this. Many employees hold IT team responsible for the stress they have to go through at work, 40% says IT related stress is hampering their work, 35% says coping with bureaucracy is real let-down and 31% respondents says their current work is so overwhelming that they are constantly bogged down by it.