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Strategy With Technology

  • Top 8 advantage of Convergence Support Desk
altWebsite maintenance is very important and it should be part of your whole website development strategy. We at Convergence IT Services offer prepaid comprehensive website maintenance plans for small, medium and large businesses. Our plans are competitively priced and are customized as per customer requirements.
Convergence Support Desk offers multiple benefits for its customers, few of them are listed below.
1.Keeps your website up-to-date
One of the primary benefits of going for Convergence Support Desk is to keep your website up to date. People like to visit websites with fresh content, updates and information and if you can offer them what they need they will become your loyal visitors and customers.
2.Helps search engine in indexing your page and hence high visibility
When you do constant updates of your websites then it becomes easy for search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo to index your web pages. When this is done, your website gets listed and when a person searches for you on the web it becomes easy for him to locate you.
3.Enhances company's brand image and help increase website traffic
Once your websites are visible to people when they are searching for you it leaves a positive impression of them. When this happens repeatedly it helps create a brand value of website among people and also increase website traffic.
4.Your customer remains up-to-date will latest company information
It is very important for people to know what is going on in your company, whether you are launching new products, services or taking new initiatives. You can also mention your latest achievements, testimony, clients etc this helps in establishing faith and trust among people.
5.Complete peace of mind with all security issues addressed promptly
One of the most important aspects of Convergence Support Desk is to offer complete peace of mind to customers by addressing various security related issues with their website. This helps your website function smoothly and offer best user experience to the people who visit your website. 
6. Save money by choosing the right plan as per your requirements
Convergence Support Desk gives you freedom to choose a plan as per your requirements. This helps you save money by purchasing plan which is most relevant to your company. For instance if you are a start-up and with limited budget then you can opt for Basic plan which provide you with features that will keep your website running efficiently.
7.Attractive prices with Rapid response time on priority basis
In this fast moving world, where time is as important as money, we can't wait for days together when you need something done urgently. So to help you get quick service Convergence Support Desk offers you Rapid response time on priority basis depending upon plan you purchased.
8.Complete backup of your website
Whenever your website is maintained, our service helps you take a complete backup of the old version of the website this ensures you don't lose out on your precious data.
If you want more information regarding website maintenance plans then call us at 022 25136632 or visit our website