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  • Forbes 2013’s List of Top 20 Billionaire
There is a surge in the number of billionaires world-wide and Carlos Slim once retain the crown of world’s richest person on the Earth followed by Microsoft co-founder Bill gates. Below is the list of Forbes top 20 billionaires for the year 2013.


                                                List of Top 20 Billionaire

Sr No. Name Net worth country Source of Wealth
1 Carlos Slim Helu $73 billion Mexico Telecom
2 Bill Gates $67 billion US Microsoft
3 Amancio Ortega $57 billion spain Zara
4 Warren Buffet $53.5 billion US Berkshire Hathaway
5 Larry Ellison $43 billion US Oracle
6 Charles Koch $34 billion US Diversified
7 David Koch $34 billion US Diversified
8 Li Ka-shing $31 billion Hong-kong Diversified
9 Liliane Bettencourt $30 billion France L'Oreal
10 Bernard Arnault $29 billion France LVMH
11 Christy Walton $28.2 billion US Wal-mart
12 Stefan Persson $28 billion Sweden H&M
13 Michael Bloomberg $27 billion US Bloomberg LP
14 Jim walton $26.7 billion US Wal-mart
15 Sheldon Adelson $26.5 billion US Casinos
16 Alice Walton $26.3 billion US Wal-mart
17 Robson Walton $26.1billion US Wal-mart
18 Karl Albrecht $26 billion Germany Retail
19 Jeff Bezos $25.2 billion US Amazon
20 Larry Page $23 billion US Google



The 2013 Forbes Billionaires list now boasts 1,426 names, with an aggregate net worth of $5.4 trillion, up from $4.6 trillion.