Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Tips for Blog Posting
altToday almost every business maintains a blog because it helps them to connect to their customer and improve search ranking of the website. It is very important that before posting a blog we should know whether the blog serve its purpose or not. Though by looking at it on a first glance it is very difficult to say if the blog is a good blog or not but certainly by keeping few things in mind one will come to know what are the thing an ideal blog should have.
1. Is your Blog Credible? 
Whether you do a blog or you get it done from third party the blog should be credible enough to be posted. The blog should not read like a marketing brochure rather it should present a topic that is related to your business and it should represent all the facts correctly. 
2. Is your Blog unique?
With few topics at your disposal it becomes a herculean task to produce new and unique blog every day. In that case expanding to new topics that are somehow related to your business, changing perspective, adding new insights can work in your favor.
3. Is it an interesting Blog?
Everyone can write a blog and everyone does it but how many of them can write truly interesting blog. Special skills are required to write a good interesting blog. By understanding the needs of the target audience, market trend and happening topics bloggers can write interesting blogs.
4. Does your blog serve its purpose?
Before posting a blog see to it that whether the blog serve its purpose or the goal for which it is written. Just writing a blog for the sake of it will not serve anyone’s purpose. So it is paramount that you write blog considering your goal in mind.
5. Does your blog sound too technical?
Writing a blog with too much technical words or using jargon should be avoided. Blogs are meant to share ideas and thoughts with your target audience and if you fail to do so that what is the use of blog? So using words which are easy to read and understand should be used generously in your blog.