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Strategy With Technology

  • Top 10 WordPress Add-ons for Your Business
altWordPress is one of the most popular open-source CMS platform it powers more than 60 million websites all over the world. When WordPress was launched a decade back it was mostly used as a blogging platform. But in the due course of time WordPress has come a long a way from being a blogging platform to a robust website building platform. With more and more businesses using WordPress as their main technology for building websites, web applications it is important to know about various Add-ons that will improve the performance of the website and offer added functionality.
1. Yoast's plug-ins
If you want to extend the SEO capability of your WordPress and want to track number of users visiting your website through the integration of Google Analytics then you can put your trust on Yoast's plug-ins. Yoast’s simple to use and easy to understand plug-ins offer your website additional functionality. Both the plug-ins are free of cost whereas the ecommerce plug-in cost around $19.
2. WordPress Login Security and WordPress Firewall 2
 With recent attacks on WordPress powered websites it becomes imperative to improve the overall security of the website and in this endeavor WordPress Login Security and WordPress Firewall 2 provide a great help. Every WorpdPress owner should implement this plug-ins for overall security of the websites.
3. Gravity Forms
This plug-in when integrated with WordPress website helps you to build and manage forms. This add-on comes with feature that offers you additional integration with other software such as payment processors and e-mail marketing campaign.
4. VaultPress
VaultPress is a subscription-based protection, security and backup service for WordPress blogs and sites. You can use VaultPress to scan your WordPress site and server daily, looking for known and potential security threats if it happens to find one it will notify you so that you can take necessary action.
5. W3 Total Cache
If you want to reduce the load time of your WordPress website and improve visitor’s onsite experience then you can use W3 Total Cache plug-in.
6. In-Post Ads
This plug-in is important if you want to integrate messages and ads in your blog post. This plug-in can use to promote seasonal sales and also help you social media interaction.
7. Akismet
With spamming incidence on rise it is important for WorPress users to use plug-in like Akismet to keep the spammer and bots away. Spamming not only encroach your inboxes but also deface the comment and discussion forum.
8. Digg Digg
With social networking becoming integral part of our everyday experience it is imperative that we have button of social networking websites like facebook, twitter, linkedin. Pinterest, so that user can share the content across social media platform.
9. Editorial Calendar
Keeping your website up-to-date with latest information helps increase website traffic and improve organic search. It also builds a trust factor with site users as they will get updated information always. Editorial Calendar is one such plug-in that allows you to schedule plan for promotions, events, holidays etc.
10. Login Lockdown, Better WP Security, Sucuri
Security is one of the most important aspects of WordPress website and to make your site secure it is paramount to use all the latest technology in security. Using security plug-in like Login Lockdown, Sucuri helps us to keep away from any possible hacker attack in the future. Taking an extra step of implementing this plug-ins along with other security measures will ensure safety of your website.