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  • Tech Companies that Fell from Grace
altThere was time when looking at these blue chip companies one thought that it was next to impossible for these tech titans to fall but in the due course of time everything changed. The company which was once considered invincible are today in shambles. The reason for their fall was the circumstances, their inability to shift towards future technology, there ego and lot more. Here we see some of companies that fell from grace.
1. Research In Motion (RIM)
The company no more is known by this name it is re-christened as Blackberry. A decade back Blackberry was in the limelight for being one of the top mobile brands in the world. But in the last few years Blackberry has gone through many downs rather than ups due to the success of iOS and Android. Despite tough road ahead the company tries to make a comeback with Blackberry Z10 but how this will help revive the company in long run need to be seen.
2. AOL
Once the internet giant AOL has seen some great days in the past. But with changing times the company was not able to keep pace with its peers. Now it has to be seen whether the company will get back it’s hey days.
Once an internet giant Yahoo was toppled from its top position during the dot com bubble. The company’s mismanagement and frequent changing of CEO led to its fall from the grace.
4. SUN Microsystems
Inventor of Java never really survived the 2000s dot com bubble and ultimately got sold to Oracle. SUN was also not able to sustain in its server business either.
5. Napster
Napster was started as peer-to-peer file sharing service in the year 1999 it allowed users to download songs and other stuff for free over internet. But due to the court ruling the company was shut down in the year 2001 on a basis of copyright infringement.
6. Microsoft
Microsoft was one of the top most software companies in the 80’s and 90’s but due to decline in the PC sales the company’s market share also declined considerably. Microsoft has significantly less share in smart phone OS segment compared to iOS and Android.
7. Dell
Dell is the latest company to enter in this category of from Hero to Zero. The company which pioneered the online sales of customized computer is today in the decline to lower sales of desktop and laptop. Dell has almost no presence in smart phone or tablet market which is currently booming segment.
8. Nokia
Nokia is one of the pristine examples of how a many which many though will rule future is in shambles. The emergence of iOS and Android platform has eaten into Nokia’s market share. Though windows 8 platform has given a glimpse of hope but time will tell how successful is windows and Nokia’s collaboration.
9. HP
HP was also one of the tech titans in the early 70’s and 80’s which had everything good going for them.  With bad investment like Autonomy and decline in PC sales the company is in a bad shape. It will take a whole lot of effort to put the company back on track.
10. Gateway
The maker of low cost PC was once flourishing with millions of dollars sales but with changing times the company has see some tough times. Later Acer purchased Gateway and it operates it as a affordable PC and laptop brand.