Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • 10 Ways to Make Money Through Blog
altBlogging is never associated with anything related to money making. People blog because they love to blog, they feel passionate about something which they want to share with their readers. But there are many top bloggers who make six-figure income regularly through their blogs. Though not everyone will make the same amount but if done in a right way blogs can generate constant passive income. Here we list 10 ways through which a blog owner can make money.
1. Google Adsense
Go for Google Adsense, this is one of the most used and successful method for blog owners to earn money. Though you may not make tons of money at the onset but steadily you have something in your wallet to take care of your everyday needs.
2. Affiliate partner
Becoming an Affiliate partner for a big company is one of the best ways to monetize your blog.  Some blog owners become affiliate partner of big companies like Amazon to earn money through their blog.
3. Paid membership to access your blog
This may not work for everyone, unless and until your blog is of high quality and cater for a niche category. You can sell the membership in subscription form and through advertising your blog on social media you may gain good website traffic.
4. Sell space for advertising
This is again used by many bloggers to earn money by selling space on their blog for advertising.  If you blog is of high quality and has huge web traffic then this may work well for you.
5. Get sponsorship for your blog
Though it is not easy for everyone to get sponsorship for their blog but some of the blog that are hugely popular among masses and have good content will get sponsorship.
6. Referral Partner
By becoming referral partner you can send referral traffic from your blog to the corresponding partner sites and you get a commission when the referral makes a purchase on the partner site.
7. Sell e-books
With e-books gaining popularity you can use your blog to sell e-books and make money. Tie up with some good publisher and distributor of e-books and start selling them to earn some good money.
8. Sell goods on your blog
If you have some used stuffs you can try selling them on your blog. The stuff could be books, electronic items, gadgets etc.
9. Sell your Blog
If your blog have a good Google rank, your blog is of high quality and you have huge web traffic then chances are that company looking for a blog may want to purchase it. Though it is not easy but there are blogs which got sold for millions of dollars making the owner millionaire overnight.
10. Install rollover image ads
This is also one of the great ways of making money through your blog. The advertisement will run only when someone moves the mouse over the Ad but you will get paid only when someone clicks on that Ad. You can also try this with installing rollover text ads where moving mouse over a highlighted text will expand and give information to user but gain to get paid someone has to click on that Ad.