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Strategy With Technology

  • Twitter brings in Two-Step Authentication, is it enough?
altMicro-blogging site Twitter was recently in news due to string of hacking on its websites and since then there has been buzz going around in tech circle about the security worthiness of this micro-blogging giant.  To enhanced the security of its platform form hackers twitter has come up with two-step authentication process. According to the company this will help users to protect their account from hackers trying to hack their profiles. Twitter said that users who want to take advantage of this Two-Step Authentication needs to opt for it. And once done user will be prompted to enter a six-digit code SMSed to their mobile phone each time they logged into their twitter account. Though it increases work for users but experts says this is a smart move form the company to enhance the security. Couple of months back high profile account like Burger King was hacked into and the logo and name changed. This was a shock to many patrons of Burger King who took to twitter and other platform to express their dismay. Similarly hackers hacked Associated Press twitter account and posted there had been two explosions in the White House, and that President Barack Obama was injured in the explosion. This has some degree of impact on the Dow Jones Industrial Average which dropped more than 100 points on that day.
Though twitter is not the first one to go for the two step authentication process, Google, Microsoft and Facebook were the earlier adopter of this security feature. Though only depending on two-step authentication process will not solve all the security related to hacking but will offer some advantage to users to be secure form hackers.