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  • Make perfect CV for your dream Job
altEveryone wants a dream job but to get a dream job you need the requisite skills and also a perfect CV. Research has shown that most of the time people are denied job not because of the lack of skills but due the poor CV. Though making a great CV is not a rocket science but it has few fundamentals that have to be kept in mind. Making a first impression is what matters the most when you are out there looking for the best job. Here we list 5 important tips that can improve and enhance your CV skill and might land you your dream job.
1. Do your Homework
Before even starting to put down words on paper, it is important to collect all the information that you will require in the process of making a great CV. Most of the people don’t have things ready when they start-out and scramble for it at the last moment, making a good mess. The first thing would to go through different format of CVs that are available and it is best if you could refer to couple of from your own industries and vertical this will help you to visualize how your CV should be at the end. Once the format is selected, the next step is to get all the Education, professional and personal information in front of you.
2. Highlight the best
You may come with plenty of information regarding your Education, professional and personal domain. No need to mention all of these on your CV take out the best achievement and highlight it in your CV. This catches the eyes of the recruiter and will help you to put your thought easily across him. If you are a first ranker holder mention it, if you are a accomplished business leader make a mention of it in your CV.
3. Keep it Short
Keep your content short and specific. With time being in short supply people will not read the lengthy CVs. So keeping it specific and to the point will help recruiter to read the important content and come to a decision.
4. Grammar is important
Proof-read the CV once it is completed this will help to rectify the error that you have made. Check for spelling error, grammatical error, typo error etc. Grammatically incorrect CVs make bad impression and should be strictly avoided.
5. Presentation
Presenting your CV in a nice way is very important because it makes a good impression when people look at it. Use fonts which are easy to read keep the perfect size so that people can see what is written. Make subtle borders, highlight keywords, bullets points etc.