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Strategy With Technology

  • How to overcome your bad habits
altThe behavior that damages our personal lives and careers can be termed as bad habits. You can consider being late to work, gossiping, micromanaging and procrastination, as bad habits. It is very difficult to break the bad habits but with consistent try and applying good behavior we can break the bad habits. At the onset it looks like bad habits are overwhelming and is difficult to let go but research has shown that proper analysis and strategies can effectively help people get rid of bad habits. Here we look at the ways we can tackle the bad habits.
1. Have a proper plan
Bad habits are hard to let go so one day you come and say that you are going to stop being ‘late at work’, it doesn’t help. The habit of going late to office had formed over a period of time and it cannot be forgone in a single day. To really work on this you need to first create a plan detailing 1) Cause 2) Action 3) Benefits. What is the cause of being late to office? What you can do to solve it? At last the benefits you will get.  This gives you a proper perspective to work on your bad habit and following it for long-term will indeed help you.
2. Have a well-disciplined life
Disciplined and organized life is not a robotic kind of life where you need to do routine things every day. Rather it is free life where you enjoy your life to the fullest it is just than you need to have proper approach towards life. If you think you are always late to office then you have to keep on reminding yourself that you can be punctual. Your continuous assertion and following it in a disciplined way is very important for breaking the bad habit.
3. Have right approach
There is not one-size-fits-all kind of solution to break bad habit. What works for one person may not work for other person, one person can quit bad habit in a couple of weeks whereas other may need months to do the same.  You need to find what work best for you. If you think you are going to office late everyday because of lack of sleep you need to find a reason for that and work on that. May be you are party animal, you work late in night, etc problem can be varied you need to find the right approach to solve this problem and ultimately break this bad habits.
4. Reward yoursef 
Once you stop the bad habit your brain will crave for fun it derived from engaging the bad habits. To stop this craving it is important for you regularly reward yourself. It is up to you what you think is best for you. So if you are being punctual at office and are coming home early then you can spend quality time with your family, have dinner with them etc. You can also treat yourself occasionally for dinner at your favorite restaurants.
5. Meditate regularly
Meditation helps you to focus on important things in life it helps you have control on your mind. It greatly improves health and overall well-being of a person. Those who do meditation on regular basis have an improved attention span and razor sharp focus towards life.