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Strategy With Technology

  • 10 Alternatives to Google Reader
altGoogle Reader shuts down on July 1, 2013 and scores of its patrons are already searching for a worthy alternative. There are multitudes of readers available online but many Google Reader fans are in a predicament in choosing the best for them. Today we bring to you top 10 Google Reader substitute so that you can pick the one you like.
1. Bloglines
If you want to stay updated and track your favorite websites and blogs in real time then Bloglines should be your pick. It has plenty of similarities between Google Reader and Bloglines and that gives you familiar feel to it. It can be easily customized with multiple view points and offers drag and drop organization feature with exclusive gadgets. Some the additional feature includes Twitter feeds, weather app, to-do lists etc.
2. Curata
Curata is business-grade content curation software which helps you to easily find, organize & share relevant content for your business. You can find content of your interest, organize them and share them with others on the social networking platforms.
3. Feedly
You can easily migrate your subscription form Google Reader to Feedly and organize your favorite blogs, news sites, podcast and youtube channels and stay updated with relevant news. You can transform your websites into a neat and cool looking pocket-sized card. You can also share the relevant content with others on the social media. Feedly is available for desktop, phone and tablet.
4. Flipboard
This is one of the most used and successful reader that is available in the market. Flipboard acts as a personal magazine which is filled with the things that interest you. Discover your favorite news, organize it, personalize it and then share with everyone on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
5. G2reader
G2reader is a cool RSS feed that allows you to keep your favorite site at one place and go through it as per your leisure. It comes with standard feature like sorting by unread feeds, starred and all items etc.
6. Pulse
Pulse is an elegant newsreader that brings all your favorite sources to one beautiful, streamlined interface. It is a nice way to stay in touch with current events and share it with people on the social media sites.
7. NewsBlur
NewsBlur has some similarities with Google Reader. This personal news reader allows you to read all your favorite web content at one place and allows you to share them with other through social media. 
8. RSS Owl
RSSOwl is a powerful application to organize, search and read all your news feeds in a comfortable way. It is basic and good alternative to Google Reader for those who do not want more complex reader. 
9. Spundge
Keep track of the best thing on internet and organize them by topics, events etc. Spundge are social and collaborative, allowing you to learn and contributors with shared interests.
10. Tiny Tiny RSS
Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed reader and aggregator, which is designed to allow you to read news from any location. It comes with features like OPML import/export, podcasts, detecting and filtering duplicate articles, JSON-based API etc.