Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Want to be a Successful Blog Writer? Follow these 10 Tips
altEveryone has a story to tell and most of them like to express their thoughts through writing. Blog writing is one of the ways to put your thought across the readers in words. But just writing blogs will not guarantee you huge followers, writing blog is an art and few things have to be kept in mind before putting your first word.
1. Tell a Story: Everyone has a distinct story to tell and if you can successfully put your unique thoughts into words then you can see more and more people reading your story.
2. Share your feeling: Connecting to your readers in a deeper level is very important to be a successful blog writer. Once the reader gets the feel that you can connect with them they will regularly read your blogs.
3. Don’t try to please all: Trying to write on wide variety of topic is a great but just to impress every reader writing on every other topic is not a good idea. Stick to the topics you love and you will generate a long list of loyal patrons.
4. Interact with readers: This gives the reader that you care for their suggestions and feedbacks. Always have a comment section below your each blog so that a reader can comment on the blog, share the blog or offer any suggestion. 
5. Try experimenting: Routine is boring and hence to make your blog interesting it is important to try something new every time you write a blog. It can be different subjects, length of a blog, different style of writing etc. You find out which best suits your reader and do accordingly.
6. Put some facts and numbers: Putting all the important information in words becomes monotonous and uninteresting. Hence to make the blog interesting put some figures, charts, graphs, maps, pictures etc. This will help to put your point a much better way. 
7. Ask suggestions from your readers: Getting suggestion from your reader is different from asking suggestions from them. When you ask them suggestion they feel that they valued and will offer you some genuine suggestion to improve your blog.
8. Write and keep on writing: The best way to improve your blog is to keep on writing. Try different subjects, bring variation, and keep yourself up-to-date with latest news.
9. Try to understand your reader: If you can analyze and understand your target audience then you can increase your followers and readers. This is helps you to stay ahead in the blogging world.
10. Blog regularly: To connect with your readers it is very important that you blog at regular interval if not daily. This keeps the interest of the readers and you will be successful in getting new readers every day.