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  • Tech Products that could not stand Test of Time
altTech industry has witnessed hundreds of new launches in the recent decade not every product that was launched became successful. Some of the products that were launched with much fan fare could not even sustain the initial momentum. Here we list few of them that were supposed to be great but became obsolete.
1. Silverlight
Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework for developing rich and interactive web and mobile applications. It was touted as next big thing after adobe flash for designing web applications. But after the launch of Silverlight the product did not see much traction among the users despite being used by Netflix, MLB and other big companies.  With Adobe flash almost being out form the use the future of Microsoft Silverlight does not seems promising either. But there is no word from company as of now, as the latest version of the product will be supported till 2021. Netflix have made their mind by switching from Silverlight to HTML5 technology.
2. PowerMac G4 Cube
In the year 2000 at MacWorld Expo New York Steve Jobs showcased 8-inch cube, with beautiful design, solid hardware and top of the line specifications. It was believed that it will be the next big thing from Apple. The product named PowerMac G4 Cube made the Apple follower to sit, think and write about it. But only after a year, due to low sales the product was on its way out, despite offering steep discounts and heavy price-cuts the users did not embrace this product.
3. BlackBerry Storm
Blackberry (earlier Research In Motion) struggling to keep its neck above the water launched two new phones Z10 and Q10 running on its latest OS 10 but the recent sales figures were dismal and now the company is trying to find a suitor. The company launched BlackBerry Storm, the first phone without a physical keypad, the phone featured a video camera and GPS yet it offered a lack-luster touch screen experience and a disappointing browser. It initially saw some sales from the loyalist of BlackBerry but the actually sales of the phone was never profitable.
4. Windows ME
Microsoft Windows XP was a successful OS, so is Windows 7 but the Vista was a failure, Windows 8 doesn’t seems to be helping the bottom line either. But before all this happened Microsoft launched Windows Millennium Edition or Windows ME. The OS was designed specifically for home users to enjoy digital media and the networking. Though launched with much fanfare Windows ME could not sustained it interest among users. The reason was constant crashing of websites, application error, service delay in fixing problems and countless more. To rescue the users form the torture of Windows ME came Windows XP and it was considered as one of the most stable and successful OS in the history of Microsoft.
5. BlackBerry PlayBook
Whatever may be the technical definition for Tablet PC but for a layman Tablet PC always meant iPad. Seeing the launch and subsequent success of iPad Blackberry thought to launch a similar device and named it PlayBook. Except the name nothing worked for Blackberry and the product fell flat with company taking a write down of millions of dollars from the unsold inventory of playbooks. Playbook failed because there was no native email and calendaring program, the OS limited the number of third party apps that could be downloaded to the system and many more. It is said that the product won’t receive any updates with new OS that certainly puts an end to its production and sales.