Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • To save money for your start-up find alternative to these
altToday no matter what is the size of your business without technology you cannot even think of starting a business. With the advent of digital age everything has become technology related. Whether you want to send a mail, give a presentation, communicate with anyone, take a print etc without technology you cannot do any of the above mentioned thing. Though technology is important but there are alternatives which can be used by business to save money and time. Here we list some of the technologies that can use up plenty of your cash so it is better to seek for some alternative.
1. Servers
Computer servers are important for large organization but certainly not a necessity for start-ups and small business.  But some companies keeps on adding servers to their IT infrastructure just to keep up with their “Peers”. If you want to transfer files between computers then a high capacity NAS device will do the job.
2. UltraBook
Though the conventional laptops are on its way out but that does not give you excuse for buying ulrabooks because ulrabooks these are slower, costlier, power consuming and have fewer ports when compared to the conventional laptops. However for the business those are tight on budget should always consider the conventional laptop.
3. Landline Phones
 If the landline bills are keeping you awake at night then it’s time to think of your phone calling strategy. Instead of using a common landline phone for office use, offer a subsidize plan for your employees. This is will care of the extra cost.
4. Legacy software
Gone are the days when you need to purchase costly legacy software like Photoshop, Microsoft office etc. Now with the era of cloud computing you can get this software over cloud, all you need is web-browser. Alternately you can also go for open-source software which offers great functionality and helps you save money.
5. Back-up hardware
Purchasing back-up hardware like is costly and buying for backing up data is quiet costly. So when plenty of online data backup services like Dropbox, Box and Google drive are available it is good those services first. This is save you money and time for data back-up and also you can access your data from anywhere, anytime.
6. Fax Machine
There is no denial that many companies still use Fax Machine for sending and receiving documents. Most of these companies are not doing this out of necessity but out of habits. To be frank Fax Machines are passé and to think of putting money into it is unnecessary for a start-up and small businesses. So if you need to send or receive everyday document then you can use your humble e-mail.
7. Extended Warranties
Warranties are important but today every electronic product comes with a default 1-year warranty. Hence going for extended warranty services is not desirable for start-ups which are tight on budget.