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Strategy With Technology

  • Hybrid Cloud Adoption Poised to Gain Momentum in India
altCIOs in India have come to know the amount of flexibility, scale and ROI cloud platform can offer to their businesses to host applications and improve the IT infrastructure. Though the concept is nothing new or unheard of but the deep penetration of this technology is taking place in India’s business eco-system from the last couple of years. Though many companies are ready to go on cloud yet many have the reservation and some are even skeptical about the long-term security implication about cloud platform. But with today’s advancement in technology the cloud platform has become much more secure and robust than it was couple of years of back. Even then many CIOs are still reluctant to adopt the public platform and would like to go for private cloud. Though private cloud is more secure and offer enhanced flexibility the cost invariably shoots up and getting the ROI can be challenging at times for small and medium businesses and hence CIOs are giving detail attention to this hybrid cloud model.
According to CIO Magazine, which was published in November 2013 they stated that CIOs are showing great interest in hybrid cloud and they also predicted as per their research 48 percent of Indian CIOs are using, or planning to implement hybrid clouds in their organizations in 2014 compared to 38 percent in 2013. That’s a good sign for Indian businesses as the world is moving from legacy based application to more scalable arrangement on cloud platform. The use of private cloud adoption has decreased from 51 percent to 37 percent this year. Even large companies with revenue in excess of 10,000 crore the number has decreased considerably – to be precise 10 percent.
Though the penetration of public cloud has gained momentum but companies are still concerned about the security, and vendor lock-in and control over the data.  In hybrid cloud companies get good amount of control over their critical data. Some of the sectors like IT/ITeS, Healthcare and Pharma are in the process of going on hybrid cloud in 2014. Though it quiet early to speculate how the Indian companies will react to the full scale implementation of hybrid cloud but the truth is in the long run hybrid will definitely find many takers and yield great ROI.