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Strategy With Technology

  • Internet of Everything (IoE) – What is it?
altInternet of everything (IoE) is one of the most happening topics in the internet technology space today and with every passing day it is gaining new grounds. With new emerging technologies it is imperative that we humans keep pace with it to offer better work productivity, better healthcare facility, better education, better network connectivity and more. It is believed that IoE in both public and private sectors collectively hold an economic value of $14.4 Trillion and if we put IoE in practice we can harness this enormous financial value in the coming decade. The concept of IoE has been discussed from 1991 – the time when internet was in its formative years. But with the coming of smart mobile devices like Smartphone, Tablets, wearable gears, etc IoE has started taking roots. Cisco is one of the pioneer and major proponent of IoE and they have defined The Internet of Everything as, “The networked connection of PEOPLE, DATA, PROCESS and THINGS. The Internet of Everything (IoE) is made up of many technology transitions, including the Internet of Things.”  To put this simply - In future everything will be connected to each other, People will be connected to Machine, Machine will be connected to Machine and People will be connected to People and there will be persistent communication and flow of information between these entities.
Internet of Everything consists of four major parts:
1. PEOPLE: This looks more of a science-fiction rather than a reality but soon human will be communicating with the machines – like refrigerator, car, PCs, Tablets, SmartPhone etc. In the future it will be more common to wear sensor based clothes which will collect data from our body and pass it on to our healthcare expert to analyze and offer medicine accordingly.
2. PROCESS: When millions and billions of connection will rule the future world it is important to have technology, business, organizational and other processes to automate and manage these connections. Hence having a robust process will play a key role in determining the success of Internet of Everything.
3. THINGS: These are the physical entities like like sensors, meters, actuators and other devices that will help gather and deliver the data for analysis so that we can make better decision and offer enhanced user experience, better products and services and know the user behavior in a much more precise way.
4. DATA: Any kind of information that are streamed and send to the central source for processing. The amount of data that IoE will make us available will be overwhelming and it will be “infinitely” more than those generated today by all social media channels put together. But not all data that is generated is important or has any tangible value and hence data which is of value should only be stored and analyzed and rest should be discarded. The data generation will be in real time and hence in future we will be in much better position to predict result in real time this will save time and money and help us to make faster intelligent decision.
The future world will seem more like a part played out of some sci-fi movie rather than in which we live today everything will communicate with each other – Man and Machine.  You can control your house sitting in another part of the world, you can operate your home appliances from some remote location in the world, your car will tell when the maintenance is due and companies will make smarter and intelligent business decision. IoE is going to be a great leap in the human civilization only if we could put every piece together.
Image courtesy: Cisco