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Strategy With Technology

  • How To Increase Your Facebook Likes
Facebook LikeFacebook is a great social channel for promoting your products and services and at same time creating brand awareness and connecting with your customers & users. Though there are many metrics that determines how well you are connecting with your users but one of the best know is the “Likes” that you get for your post. When users like your post then it reaches more users and a sort of virality sets in for your content that your share.
Below we list number of ways you can get more likes and reach large number of audience.
1. Photos have a visual appeal to it and hence when compared to text messages it gets more likes almost 53% more and it is also seen that commenting increases by 104% and the click-through rates by 84%.
2. Instead of putting post with long text it is seen that posts with 80 characters or less attracts 66% more engagement. It has been seen in the retail brands that when they post text content number of likes and comments increase considerably compared to post with more than 80 characters.
3. A good intuitive question sparks interest in the users and receives almost 100% more comments.
4. It is not about what you post but when you post also play a key role in getting more likes. It has been in US that on weekdays the facebook activity peaks around 3 PM EST and Wednesday seems to be the day when you will see increased user activity.
5. Facebook is a dynamic social media where new content are added on a minute and second basis and hence to grab user’s attention you need to post content regularly. Posting 1 to 2 times a day is a great way to start and it increases user engagement by 40% percent.
6. Content should be unique and posting should be consistent and regular because users like fresh and unique content. It is important that you post content at 4-5 times so that more number of user connect with your brand.
7. Above all you need to see what works best for you and your brand and where you find that ease in doing your Facebook marketing. As users interest changes you have to continously reinvent yourself and be at the top.