Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • What are Future Managers suppose to do?
altManagers play a very important role in the organization apart from managing the team and taking crucial business decisions managers also shape the culture of the organization. The role of managers has gone through profound transformation with the advent of IT revolution.  Even the role of employees has changed with the passage of time. Going forward the dynamics of the managers and the employees need to be in sync to yield greater work-life experience and increased productivity. So what is the role of future manager in the world where constant interaction, collaboration, sharing has increased exponentially.  Today’s world demand managers to possess some very unique set of characteristics to run the business, accelerate productivity and culture that will help employees deliver more without being pressurized with deadlines and extra work.
1. Instead of being passive and just dispensing orders to the employees managers should take active part in leadership roles. They should listen to employees and help them realize their true potential. They should generate more followers through their actions rather than commanding employees respect or attention. Managers should know how to delegate the team and how to bring out best in each employee.
2. A manger should always be present for his employees – whenever they need him. Instead of giving orders he should understand the team’s requirements – each member’s strengths and weaknesses. Manager should act as an enabler and help employee achieve her best through team collaboration.
3. Technologies are changing faster than it used to be and to keep pace with the emerging technologies it is imperative that future manager get themselves well-versed with upcoming technologies. This does not mean that they should have an expert knowledge of the technologies on which they will be working on but certainly they should have a fair knowledge of it so that they can better strategize work and accelerate productivity.
4. Manager should give heed to their employees, listen to their feedbacks and then take decision that is in best interest of their employees. This helps develop a robust professional bond that goes a long way in work dynamics. This is one of the ways for managers to garner trust and develop a steady stream of followers.
5. In a busy and stressful environment motivation and encouragement is always in short supply so managers can fill this gap by constantly motivating and encouraging team and recognizing their efforts in the project. When people are valued for their contribution it boosts their morale and their productivity increases dramatically. 
6. Adaptability is one of the most important factors that will define success of future managers. The current work environment is dynamic and changes constantly this makes it difficult to predict about any unforeseen events. The managers who can adapt themselves to this kind of competitive and hostile business environment have greater chances of success. This will also help them to guide their team through challenging times. 
The manager we see today will undergo metamorphosis to adapt and embrace the future work culture and technology will be a great enabler in this process. Though it may not happen instantly but will happen gradually.