Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Blogging Tips to Increase your Website Traffic
How maltany times have you read the blog that has not interested you? Never, right? So now think of how many readers will read your blog if it does not interest them. When it comes to your likes and dislikes you are quick to know your taste but what about the users that you are targeting. Have you ever thought of their likes and dislikes? Here you will find some tips - that almost always work – for any kind of blogs.
1. Find the Right Subject
This is one of the first and perhaps most important thing that you need to know even before writing a blog yet people make the cardinal mistake of making this a guess work. Just because you are offering rare variety of perfume that does not mean you need to write each and every blog on the same subject. You can take the liberty to move a bit away from the topic and write something that will interest your demographic. Take care that you don’t deviate much from the original theme. For example even though you sell rare variety of perfume you can write blog of fashion that goes well with the perfume that you sell, or what will be the role of perfume in the future digital age or do space travelers needs perfume on their space voyage. This may add variety to your blog and increase your visitor’s interest by giving them new insights of something they might have never thought about.
2. Get a Catchy Headline
Once you are through with the subject now it’s time to get a headline. Remember that your headline should be such that it must catch user’s attention instantly. At the onset it looks easy to come up with a good headline but the moment you start to write one thing seems hazy and it become difficult to come up with a good headline. So brainstorm a bit and come up with something cool and catchy.
3. Invest in Keyword Research
Using the right keyword is a successful recipe to get discovered by users who are looking for you. When competition is stiff then searching for right keywords becomes very crucial while writing a blog. Randomly searching keywords won’t offer you much advantage. Be creative and make long-tail keywords that help your demographic to find you. You can use keyword finding tools for this purpose like AdWords Keyword Planner.
4. Follow SEO Principle
While writing an original blog you also need to put equal effort on SEO principle. Practicing on-page and off-page SEO is important to get noticed on search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Google brings updates to its search engine periodically some of them are panda, hummingbird, pigeon etc and to keep up with this changes it is imperative that you use latest SEO practices. Getting your blog ranked higher in the search page for a particular set of keywords is important for high traffic. Following SEO both on and off page offers you steady stream of high quality traffic.
5. Use Power of Social Media
Once you have written a keyword rich and authentic blog now it’s time to tell the world about it. Post the blog on your website and share it on social media. Some of the social media platform that will help you get more traffic for your blog includes Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ etc.  You should also have social media widgets so that user’s who visit the blog can share it with their followers and friends. Shareable content sees more traffic spikes compare to any other non-interesting blog filled with technical jargon.  People comment and offer you feedback on your blog take that in account and reply them accordingly.
Writing a blog is a great way to attract quality traffic and if done in a right way this what you get. This may be one of your channels to generate potential lead and which can be converted into potential customers.