Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Why Employees are Disengaged Today?
altToday technology is undergoing paradigm shift yet companies are practicing same old management techniques. The hierarchy has not changed much from what it was in 1950s and 1960s. One of the main reasons for this is the attitude of organization towards its employees which has seen little or no change. The freedom employees usually get is always restricted compared to managers and other C-level executives. We spend major part of our lives in our office away from our home and yet we not happy and satisfied. Why is it so? At home we know we are heard, people respond to our needs and offer us emotional support when we need. We are free to make decisions and implement it as per our will. We can make our own purchase without asking anyone, we can do what pleases us. To be precise we are engaged.
This is not the case when we are working in a company where things are restricted and you don’t have the freedom to make your own decisions. Workspace is rapidly evolving but when it comes to organization to adopt new changes it is slow and stagnant. Employees are not happy at their workplace, and with increasing pressure of deadlines by the managers and no scope for collaboration things are just getting worse. Failing to adopt new technologies that could ease the work pressure and facilitate collaboration adds to the problem. The gap between employees and managers are steadily increasing and to reduce this gap it is important that organization take some active steps. All the above mentioned factors lead to disengaged employees.
It is a sort of misconception that a role of Human Resource team to keep employees motivated and engaged through different activities and initiatives but as the work dynamics changes the roles are changing too. Going forward managers and other c-level executive needs to come-up with novel ideas to bridge the gap between employees and managers through collaboration, exchange of ideas and bringing in more parity. Though not all companies in the world are receptive to the ideas of open collaboration and breaking down the silos among workers but there are few who believe. Company like Valve – a gaming company has got rid of managers this has enabled parity among workers similarly company like Netflix does not have vacation policy and also employees get to make purchase decision. Company like Unilever allows it employees to work from independent location this way they give freedom to employees and make them more productive. Company culture needs to evolve to accommodate the ensuing changes.
Today companies are using social media channels to reach customers, to get feedback, to know opinions regarding their products and services and to build loyalty around their brands. Using a similar kind of platform in the work places will greatly enhance employee collaboration, knowledge sharing, exchange of ideas etc. Getting connected to subject matter expert will become easy and this save their time and get job done quickly. This may also act as a channel to let out their frustrations by giving feedback, raising concerns and giving opinions. If organization has to grow and retain top talent then it need to make a proactive change in the adoption of emerging technologies and plan the future keeping employees in mind.