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Strategy With Technology

  • Wearable Technology is Changing the Future of Human
altWearable technology is not a new concept though the context in which it is used today is different from the ones used earlier. During the cold war watches with built-in microphone, shoes with built-in camera and clothes fitted with electronic devices were regularly used to spy on enemies by undercover detectives or agents as they were called. But with the advent of digital age the context for which wearable technology is used today has changed by leaps and bounds.
The first use digital wearable device was in 1980s when calculator watch was introduced with built-in calculator to perform basic and complex arithmetic tasks. But only after the invention of Internet the real implications of Wearable technology has surfaced. Today every leading computer hardware company wants a piece of exponentially growing wearable technology market share – Apple, Samsung, Sony, LG, Google, Lenovo etc are in the race.  Let us see the areas where this tech will benefit most.
1. Healthcare
Global healthcare market is at staggering USD 3.8 trillion per year and companies introducing wearable technology are sure to get a good slice of this market share. The devices that are available in the market today are capable of doing multitasking. The health band or commonly known as fitness tracker is helping countless people in managing their health by constantly guiding them how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Now you can count number of steps while going for a morning walk in the nearby park, or monitor your calorie level while doing routine mundane tasks. Fitness tracker can also help you monitor your heart rate. It comes as wrist band or arm band. These bands are designed to suit the style fashion conscious people.  These fitness trackers automatically wirelessly sync with mobile phones and tablets that helps you to access your data anywhere, anytime. Similarly smart watches that double as fitness tracker helps people to stay connected with their mobile devices.
2. Fashion
Companies like Nike, Adidas and Puma are bringing wearable technology to footwear. The future shoes will be designed in such a way that it will tell about runners steps count, stimulates muscles, and adjust itself to offer most comfortable position to its wearer. Many clothing companies have come up with clothes that have small built-in sensors to keep the body temperature to optimum. Though not mass produced but it has a niche market among technology conscious people. Clothing accessories like bracelets, earrings, rings etc also coming integrated with technology.
3. Medical 
Today doctors are using Google glass while conducting surgeries and simultaneously live streaming it on Youtube. Many of the medical devices including glucose monitors, ECG monitors, pulse oximeters, and blood pressure monitors are becoming wearable. Imec's has come out with wearable electroencephalography (EEG) headset and EKG patch that helps keep tabs on your brain and heart activity.   
Wearable gadgets are helping people to maintain healthy lifestyle, save money and offer them real-time data. Though wearable gadgets has not become a maintain stream gadgets but by far it is catching up with people who are ready to look beyond the routine.